Hi there, we are Bayhound Coffee Works
Hi there, we are Bayhound Coffee Works
Less than a month after he moved here, Pieter Le Roux decided that Polokwane needed freshly roasted coffee and wasted no time in building himself a coffee roasting machine out of scavenged bits and pieces. Basically, he just kept on building stuff: tables for a stall at markets, a coffee trailer, tables and chairs for the trailer’s day to day spot, a second coffee trailer, and now a proper coffee roastery. We started serving coffee at markets and after a while a friendly church offered up their garden to park our trailer in and serve up our awesome beverages and sandwiches to the good people of Polokwane Monday to Friday. We’re now supplying a few coffee shops with beans, barista training and coffee machine repairs!
Let us spread some love and good coffee at your next event or function.
Need coffee at your event? We love events, we’ve done a bunch, like markets, shows, three-day conferences, even a mountain bike stage race. We always have a blast! Chat to us about the event you’re planning and let’s see how we can take it a step further with a splash of good coffee.
We provide a wide range of coffee related services. From supplying, brewing and roasting to training and repairs.
We service commercial espresso machines and grinders here in Polokwane and surrounds. Email for a quote and save yourself the transport costs of sending your machines away to be fixed.
We offer Basic and Intermediate barista courses to coffee shops and restaurants. These courses are carried out on site using the establishment’s own coffee machine and equipment. We structure training over a period of time in order to cement new skills until baristas are confident in their ability and are able to make coffee to our standards. Baristas trained by us receive a certificate of completion and will have the skills necessary to make exceptional, world class espresso based beverages.
We also offer home and office barista courses to individuals in the comfort of their own homes or offices. We teach you how to get the best out of your coffee machine – enjoy barista quality coffee every morning before you even leave the house or as you get to work!
We supply a range of coffee options at wholesale prices to coffee shops and restaurants. Sign up with us and receive free barista training for three staff members. We will partner up with you to help you decide which of our coffees will best serve your market and offer advice on your coffee menu as well as regular quality control visits. We include FREE delivery within Polokwane and free advice about the right equipment for your shop.
First and foremost we are a micro roastery. That means the words ‘commercial’ and ‘mass produced’ are not in our vocabulary. We’re a little a lot allergic to consumerism, so we obtain sustainably grown and ethically traded green beans of the highest quality, then roast them by hand to bring out the best flavour possible. Our Collared Cat, Race Dog and Sheep Dog blends are actually the same blend of Kenyan and Guatemalan coffee roasted in three different ways, which can be described as medium, medium dark and dark. We believe that there is not only one way to enjoy a specific coffee or blend, and love the fact that these different roast profiles present the same blend of coffee in three completely different, equally delicious ways. In addition to these three constant offerings, we roast guest single origins. These single origins are microlots of different coffee processes, and are subject to availability. Keep an eye out, who will be the next guest?
At our coffee trailer “The Coffee Kennel” we strive to make the best coffee. Good coffee starts with the farmer, and then the roaster, but when it comes to brewing, the power of good and evil is in the hands of the barista. We feel a great responsibility towards the people who have worked hard at every stage of production, and an equally great responsibility to our customers. Every cup is freshly ground as it should be and we rework our brew ratios every morning to guarantee a perfect extraction every time. Sound too technical? Come learn all about it at our next coffee appreciation event! For now, it just means that you can expect great coffee!
On the milk side, we stock a range of milk alternatives, ask the barista on duty.
There is more to us than just delicious coffee.
Our short term vision is to create spaces where you can come and interact with specialty coffee from roasting to brewing to enjoying. Picture this: you’re sinking into a soft couch, one foot tucked under, with the perfectly crafted flat white we just made you in your hand. As you take your first sip you observe the beautiful coffee roaster turning coffee beans in the corner, with a dedicated bearded guy (Pieter) watching a laptop for changes in the temperature profiles. Just two steps away a puff of steam emits from a gorgeous espresso machine and the grinder doses the coffee for the next beverage we’re making. This is your safe space, you can leave your anxieties at the door for these few minutes or hours – you can stay as long as you like, nobody’s bothering you. Read a few pages from the book in your bag or swop it for one from our book exchange shelf. Everyone needs a breather, and this is yours. No time for daydreaming? Plug your laptop in, finish that report, and send it off via the free wifi. Come over to the counter and get a demonstration of our latest brew method, have a taste and pick your favourite, you’ll order that next time, you say.
Long term, it’s simple. We aim to make Bayhound a household name synonymous with quality craft coffee. We want to be the most desired coffee brand in coffee shops and kitchens in Limpopo and beyond. Ready, set, go!
Our coffee is unpretentious, down to earth and downright delicious, period. We won’t tell you how you should drink it, but we’ll make it better than you’ve ever had it before. Got a favourite brew method? We’ve got a blend for it. Beyond taste, it’s sourced from farmers who use ethical farming practices (like paying their workers properly because we are paying them a decent price for their coffee). Keep an eye out for our guest single origins! They’re usually microlots and coffees that have undergone special processes, and they’re subject to availability. Every bean is small-batch roasted, which equals better overall flavor development during roasting and attention to detail. Come over, let us make you a cup.
We strive to be ethical, humble and green. In the pursuit of the first, we’ve registered Bayhound Coffee Works with Unashamedly Ethical, a global not for profit organization committed to keeping businesses and individuals accountable. That means we’ve committed our business to being open and ethical in every way, and we’re also under the authority of an independent Ombudsman (he’s the guy you speak to if you think we’re doing something shady).
To read more about exactly what we’re on about, check out Unashamedly Ethical
We want to eventually be completely green, and to that end we’ve chosen to use (more expensive) eco-friendly, biodegradable takeaway cups, straws and packaging. We donate our used coffee grounds to a local organic small scale farmer, and we use milk that is packaged in cardboard from sustainable forests. We don’t sell water in plastic bottles, instead we provide a water dispenser of purified water and glasses at our coffee shop. If you’ve got an idea for us to be greener, send us a message!
As for being humble…well, all we have to do is remember how we started out and how dependent we are on having amazing and loyal customers to keep us going.
We couldn’t do it without you!
This is us, the Bayhound Coffee Works team. Barista’s passionate about everything coffee!
Pieter starts every day with a big mug of coffee brewed on the stove in a Moka Pot. No matter how sophisticated his tastes at the shop, nothing will ever take away his first love. He’s our head roaster and the guy that actually takes our ideas and makes them tangible. He built Bayhound’s coffee roaster and mobile trailers with his own two hands – and that was before we realized he was even handy. Now if something needs building he gets the job!
Susan is barista, trainer, roaster, social media marketer, events coordinator, designer, menu maker and main runner-arounder for Bayhound Coffee Works. Also Pieter’s wifey-shnook. If you ever saw a blur at The Coffee Kennel, it was probably her. She’s not sure where all the energy comes from, but at least some of it comes from the multiple sips of espresso she has when she dials in every morning.
Nanah came into Bayhound in April 2018 and has learned the art of being a barista from scratch. She’s become
a familiar face to the regulars and has a smile that even the Grim Reaper couldn’t resist smiling back at. She’s become the right hand at Bayhound and knows how to hold her own even at busy events. We’re pretty lucky to have her!
Follow us on Instagram and stay in the loop of what adventures we and our clients set out on daily.
We would love to hear from you!
Get in touch with us regarding any of our services, event bookings or coffee orders. You might also like joining us at the Coffee Kennel and sip on one of our many coffee beverages.
76 Jorrisen Street, Polokwane
074 486 2902